
Reconstitutes Reverse Osmosis, Deionized or Distilled Water for Freshwater Aquarium Use


  • Reconstitutes Reverse Osmosis, Deionized or Distilled Water for freshwater aquarium use. 
  • Adds minerals that have been removed by tap water filtration methods.
  • Establishes an optimal mineral balance in water that has been purified (e.g. reverse
    osmosis, deionization, etc.) or is exceedingly-soft (e.g. well water in forested regions) for all
    freshwater planted and community aquaria, as well as for biotope aquaria housing fishes
    indigenous to forested and/or riverine habitats.
  • Creates an ideal ratio of potassium, calcium, and magnesium, elements which are vital to
    the overall health of fishes, invertebrates, and aquatic plants; contains trace sodium and
    chloride for proper osmoregulation in plants and fishes.
  • May be used to establish beneficial water parameters in aquaria filled with purified water,
    to replenish depleted mineral concentrations in aquaria that rarely receive a water change,
    and to re-establish proper water chemistry.
  • For complete information, click the 'Technical' button at the top right.


250g | 500g | 1kg | 4kg | 20kg

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